Ukulele Play is an excellent go to resource for aspiring ukulele players
As I continue my journey to spread the word about Weston's Fantastic Finger Guides I meet all kinds of wonderful people that are offering great resources for musicians. Recently I met Ryan Taylor through my Etsy store. He is a guru of all things Ukulele. His website has years of collected resources both free and for purchase. Take a moment to check it out.
I spent some time browsing his website. I like that he offers not only the printed resources, but also video examples of the songs in several of his books. The Haunted Ukulele on his blog is set up this way. Additional play-a-long videos and instructions can also be found at his youtube channel Uke & Me
Ryan was gracious enough to take the time to review the Fantastic Finger Guide for Ukulele and post it to his You Tube channel and blog. Here is the video review:
Thanks again Ryan for the review of Weston's Fantastic Finger Guides for ukulele!
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