Goodbye Finger Tapes, HELLO Weston's Fantastic Finger Guides!
Claim Your FREE Sample D Major Beginner Guide and Bulk Rate Pricing for the 2021-2022 School Year!
Designed by an orchestra teacher for beginning orchestra programs, the Fantastic Finger Guides help beginning orchestras do so much more than is possible with finger tapes, stars, or dots.
With the D Major Beginner Guide, students can learn Hot Cross Buns on their FIRST day of class!
Installation is quick and easy. It will save you hours each school year compared to adding individual tapes and dots. Finger Guides come off easily and don't leave sticky residue or damage your instrument.
Intuitive design with just the right amount of musical information.
*Triangles = Open Strings, Squares = Fingered Notes
*Finger number trainer on side of neck.
*D Major scale at student’s fingertips gives students the tools to start playing songs on day one.
Our finger guides are proven to:
*Increase retention and reduce yearly attrition.
*Free up more time to focus on the proper setup, musicianship, and technique.
*Make connections to music note reading with more ease.

We can outfit your ENTIRE Orchestra in ALL Sizes!
Sign up today to receive your FREE sample D Major Violin Beginner Guide and our FFG For Schools Bulk Rate pricing 2021-2022
what music teachers are saying
“So much success with the finger guides!! They have been MASSIVELY helpful for our kiddos that are remote. And, because they are so dang easy to put on, we were able to apply them quickly and accurately in our “drive thru” setup in the beginning. We’ve found them to be really accurate – more accurate than the way we had done in years prior with the skinny auto striping tape... We’ve gotten into the minor, extended, diminished finger patterns recently with our beginners and the visual of being able to SEE the actual note name made these concepts easier to grasp. Like, with F natural, they can see that F natural is physically in between E and F# in a way they couldn’t when there were just black tapes. Transitioning to the G, C, E strings has been easy as well. Even without the squares, we’ve just told the kids that they just move their fingertips “across the street” and it’s been no issue...
Next year (2021-2022), we’d like to put a finger guide in each kid’s supply kit, having the parent pay the cost rather than our program...we are sold on your product!!"
Michelle Bell, Orchestra Director
Wilson Middle School
Haslet, TX
"The finger guides have been very helpful during our online teaching. Students are able to look at the fingerboard and know exactly what string to play and where to place their finger. I can tell a huge difference between those with the decal compared to those with old fashioned tape. I made sure that only 6th graders received instruments with the guides on them. Overall, I love them. The students with the decals are picking up on things much faster than those without.”
Brian Incheck, Orchestra Director
Potomac Middle School
Dumfries, VA
“I’ve had some success with my cellist and bassist become more accurate and comfortable with their instrument when it comes to fingering and shifting...It also has been a huge help with my ESL and Student with learning disabilities keep up with the rest of the students in the classes...I feel they are a great option for all students.”
Joel De Chiaro, Orchestra Director
Dallas Ranch Middle School & Diablo Vista Elementary
Antioch, CA
The current version of your finger guides really saved us this year and we plan to continue using your products post-‘rona!
Sarah Sproul, Orchestra Director
Shadow Ridge Middle School
Have questions or just want to talk with the inventor and fellow orchestra teacher? E-mail